Expose Copper in KiCad

Hi PCBCupid Team!

First of all I would thank you for uploading KiCad tutorial on Youtube. That KiCad tutorial was really help for me . I have created a PCB Circuit using KiCad of my Final Year Project. But, now I am stuck in the second PCB Layout. I need your help I want to know that how make expose copper in KiCad just Altium Designer. I am waiting for your reply.


Glad the videos are helpful!

You can use the F.mask & B.mask to expose copper for back and front layer respectively. Just use the shape that you like on the mask layer, and it should exclude the solder mask.

However, it won’t be bare copper, it will go through the surface finish that you chose [HASL/ENIG/LF HASL]. So, please contact the manufacture and specify your requirements, they might help you with further process.